Present Chances

Listed below are all present chances including shinys.

Note: Shiny chances are doubled if you have the 'Shiny Hunter' gamepass.

Present Chances
Corrupted Gifts It's Me - 99.5% | Shiny It's Me - 1.99% | OMC - 0.5% | Shiny OMC - 0.01%
Endless Gifts Epic - 99.9% | Shiny Epic - 1.99% | Nightmare - 0.1% | Shiny Nightmare - 0.002%
AFK Gifts Epic - 99.9% | Shiny Epic - 1.99% | Nightmare - 0.1% | Shiny Nightmare - 0.002%
Season Gifts Rare - 60% | Shiny Rare - 1.2% | Epic - 35% | Shiny Epic - 0.7% | Mythic - 5% | Shiny Mythic - 0.1% | Secret - 0.1% | Shiny Secret - 0.002%
PVP Gifts Gladiator Foxy - 99.9% | Shiny Gladiator Foxy - 1.99% | Dark Knight Puppet - 0.1% | Shiny Dark Knight Puppet - 0.002%