Story Info & Guide
Listed below are all the story mode games and nights, along with their rewards and tips to help you succeed. If a game or night isn't listed, please be patient as we work on updating the site.
Note: All coin values are for Nightmare Mode, and the format is Game-Night: Boss, Coin Reward, Starting Cash, Fastest/Slowest (if applicable).

Game 1
All Nights (1-6)

1-1: Mangled Bonnie, 180 Coins, $400, Fastest

1-2: Inflated Cupcake, 190 Coins, $600

1-3: Endo Freddy, 200 Coins, $600

1-4: Boatswain Foxy, 210 Coins, $1,000

1-5: Abandoned Chica, 220 Coins, $1,000

1-6: Vengeful Gold Freddy, 230 Coins, $1,000, Slowest
In Game 1, you can acquire Pizzas and Locks. Each night, you have a 100% chance to get 1-3 Pizzas, a 25% chance to obtain 1-3 Souls, and a 2% chance to get a Lock. You can use these items to evolve certain units. The fastest map to farm is 1-1.
Tips: Game 1 has low starting cash and takes a while to gain money, find cheaper units to place down if you're looking to grind Game 1!
Note: You have a 0.15% chance to acquire a Hell Mode Present, a 1.2% chance to get an Agony, and a 100% chance to get 2-3 Souls on Hell Mode.

Game 2
All Nights 1-6

2-1: Salvaged Balloon Boy, 240 Coins, $1,500, Fastest

2-2: Lobotomized Bonnie, 250 Coins, $2,000

2-3: Dreadful Chica, 250 Coins, $3,000, Slowest

2-4: Psycho Mangle, 260 Coins, $3,000, Fastest

2-5: Corrupted Soul Freddy, 270 Coins, $5,000

2-6: Enraged Marionnette, 280 Coins, $5,000
In Game 2, you can acquire Crying Souls and Locks. Each night, you have a 100% chance to get 1-3 Old TVs, a 25% chance to obtain 2-5 Souls, a 1% chance for an Agony, and a 3% chance to get a Lock. You can use these items to evolve certain units. The fastest map to farm is 2-1.
Tip: Game 2 has one of the slowest and largest maps. If you're looking to grind, focus only on 2-1, as it isn't worth playing any other night due to their length.
Note: You have a 0.2% chance to acquire a Hell Mode Present, a 1.5% chance to get an Agony, and a 100% chance to get 3-4 Souls on Hell Mode.

Game 3
All Nights 1-6

3-1: Cadaver Endo, 280 Coins, $3,000, Fastest

3-2: Toxic Cupcake, 300 Coins, $4,000

3-3: Melted Balloon Boy, 320 Coins, $4,000, Fastest

3-4: Scavenged Freddy, 350 Coins, $4,000, Slowest

3-5: Discarded Puppet, 350 Coins, $4,000

3-6: Binded Springtrap, 350 Coins, $5,000
In Game 3, you can acquire Old TVs and Hourglasses. Each night, you have a 100% chance to get 1-3 Old TVs, a 25% chance to obtain 2-7 Souls, a 1% chance for an Agony, a 2% chance to get an Hourglass. You can use these items to evolve certain units. The fastest map to farm is 3-3.
Tips: Game 3 has the largest maps, if your looking to grind this one, focus on 3-3 and make sure to bring a range booster to quicken the match!
Note: You have a 0.4% chance to acquire a Hell Mode Present, a 2% chance to get an Agony, and a 100% chance to get 5-6 Souls on Hell Mode.

Game 4
All Nights 1-6

4-1: Carnage Bonnie, 350 Coins, $2,000

4-2: Apostle Freddy, 350 Coins, $2,000

4-3: Dead Man Foxy, 350 Coins, $3,000

4-4: Calamity Nightmarionne, 350 Coins, $3,000, Slowest

4-5: Tormented Fredbear, 350 Coins, $4,000

4-6: Nightmares Gambit, 350 Coins, $20,000, Fastest
In Game 4, you can acquire Flashlights and Hourglasses. Each night, you have a 100% chance to get 1-3 Flashlights, a 25% chance to obtain 4-8 Souls, a 1% chance for an Agony, a 3% chance to get an Hourglass. You can use these items to evolve certain units. The fastest map to farm is 4-6.
Tips: Game 4 has tons of fast enemies, I recommend you bring a slowing Unit! Go to 'Charts' on this website to see what slowing units you can pick up.
Note: You have a 0.6% chance to acquire a Hell Mode Present, a 3% chance to get an Agony, and a 100% chance to get 7-8 Souls on Hell Mode.

Game 5
All Nights 1-6

5-1: Critical Funtime Foxy, 375 Coins, $2,000

5-2: Mediafreak Lolbit, 400 Coins, $2,500

5-3: Dismantled Ballora, 425 Coins, $2,500

5-4: Hijacked Freddy, 450 Coins, $3,500, Fastest

5-5: Crazed Circus Baby, 475 Coins, $5,000

5-6: Unforgiving Ennard, 500 Coins, $27,500, Slowest
In Game 5, you can acquire Flashlights and Hourglasses. Each night, you have a 100% chance to get 1-3 Flashlights, a 25% chance to obtain 4-8 Souls, a 1% chance for an Agony, a 3% chance to get an Hourglass. You can use these items to evolve certain units. The fastest map to farm is 5-4.
Tips:Game 5 features faster enemies, so I recommend bringing both a slowing unit and a stun unit! Check the "Charts" tab to find a list of slowing and stun units you can use.
Note: You have a 0.75% chance to acquire a Hell Mode Present, a 5% chance to get an Agony, and a 100% chance to get 9-12 Souls on Hell Mode.

Game 6
All Nights 1-6

6-1: Decommissioned Bonnie, 400 Coins, $3,000

6-2: Remnant Freddy, 425 Coins, $3,500, Fastest

6-3: Forgotten Scraptrap, 450 Coins, $4,000

6-4: Revived Circus Baby, 475 Coins, $4,000

6-5: Controlled Lefty, 500 Coins, $5,000

6-6: Dismembered Freddy, 525 Coins, $35,000, Slowest
In Game 6, you can acquire Flashlights, Locks, and Hourglasses. Each night, you have a 100% chance to get 1-3 Flashlights, a 25% chance to obtain 4-8 Souls, and a 1% chance for an Agony. On Nights 1-4, there is a 3% chance to get a Lock, while on Nights 5-6, there is a 3% chance to get an Hourglass. You can use these items to evolve certain units. The fastest map to farm is 6-2.
Tips: Game 6 has lots of ramps, so make sure to place your units wisely!
Note: You have a 1% chance to acquire a Hell Mode Present, a 5% chance to get an Agony, and a 100% chance to get 10-12 Souls on Hell Mode.

Game 7
All Nights 1-6

7-1: Rouge Freddy, 450 Coins, $5,000

7-2: Hacked Chica, 475 Coins, $5,000, Fastest

7-3: Mad Roxy, 500 Coins, $5,000

7-4: Deviant Monty, 525 Coins, $5,000

7-5: Insomniac Moondrop, 550 Coins, $20,000

7-6: Insane Music Man, 575 Coins, $5,000 Slowest
In Game 7, you can acquire Flashlights, Locks, and Hourglasses. Each night, you have a 100% chance to get 1-3 Flashlights, a 25% chance to obtain 5-10 Souls, and a 1% chance for an Agony. On Nights 1-4, there is a 3% chance to get a Lock, while on Nights 5-6, there is a 3% chance to get an Hourglass. You can use these items to evolve certain units. The fastest map to farm is 7-2.
Tips: Game 7 features much tougher and faster enemies, so make sure you have your best team ready.
Note: You have a 1% chance on 7-1, a 1.05% chance on 7-2, a 1.1% chance on 7-3, a 1.15% chance on 7-4, a 1.2% chance on 7-5, and a 1.25% chance on 7-6 to acquire a Hell Mode Present. On all Nights, you have a 5% chance to get an Agony, and a 100% chance to get 12-14 Souls on Hell Mode.

Game 8
All Nights 1-6

7-1: Tarnished Eclipse, 450 Coins, $5,000

7-2: Forgotten Bonnie, 475 Coins, $5,000

7-3: Candy T, 500 Coins, $5,000

7-4: Corrupted STAFF Bot, 525 Coins, $5,000

7-5: Bloodlust Vanny, 550 Coins, $20,000

7-6: Forgotten Mimic, 575 Coins, $7,000
In Game 8, you can acquire Flashlights, Locks, and Hourglasses. Each night, you have a 100% chance to get 1-3 Flashlights, a 25% chance to obtain 5-10 Souls, and a 1% chance for an Agony. On Nights 1-4, there is a 3% chance to get a Lock, while on Nights 5-6, there is a 3% chance to get an Hourglass. You can use these items to evolve certain units. The fastest map to farm is 8-3 or 8-6 (If you can).
Tips: Game 8 has the strongest enemies ever in story mode and a massive difficulty gap compared to Game 7, so I recommend grinding for better units before attempting to beat it.
Note: You have a 1.15% chance on 8-1, a 1.2% chance on 7-2, a 1.25% chance on 7-3, a 1.3% chance on 7-4, a 1.35% chance on 7-5, and a 1.4% chance on 7-6 to acquire a Hell Mode Present. On all Nights, you have a 5% chance to get an Agony, and a 100% chance to get 12-16 Souls on Hell Mode.