Trading Help
Looking for what to buy? Here is are some popular unit's for you budget.
Note: Sources may be outdated.
Status: Updated

Check out our charts to make the best choice when buying units.
Note: Higher-ranked units will always have more value (in terms of performance) than shiny lower ranked units.
Trading Guide
Rule 1: Don’t blindly follow a value list or use a value calculator to determine if your trade is a “win” or a “loss.” Do your own research.
Rule 2: Look for good deals. Just because a value list says something is worth a certain amount doesn’t mean people aren’t willing to sell it for less.
Rule 3: Don’t get pulled into a bad trade because someone is rushing you to make a decision. If something feels wrong, don’t be afraid to back out; there might be a better opportunity later.
Rule 4: Only make trades you actually want to do, so you don’t end up trying to "make back" what you lost and lose value for no reason.
(If ur a proaholica suggest some rules to be added/changed)
Trading Charts
These charts show the the average of the lower values these units have been traded/bought and are NOT the "real values" according to FNTD Value Central.
Do NOT sell your units at these prices as people are willing to buy them for more.
Updated - 2/11/25

Updated - 2/11/25

Updated - 2/11/25

Updated - 2/11/25

Updated - 2/5/25

Updated - 2/11/25