Unit Charts

All units in the charts below are the current best for each category. If a unit isn't shown, it either hasn't made the cut or the chart hasn't been updated yet.

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Starter/Midgame/Endgame Charts

Note: Powercreeping, combined with the rapid cash generation in the earliest waves of most modes, has made midgames pretty much useless to use. The Starter and Midgame Charts are for units in a certain placement cost range, while the Endgame Charts include every unit.

Starter Chart 

Units $1,000 & Lower

Updated - 1/17/25

  1. Fortified: Outshines all starters when paired with Frost Queen Ballora.
  2. Dark Frostbear: Features a notably larger Cone AoE than other starters.
  3. Nightguard: Has the best slow among starters. Poison DPS accounted.
  4. Purple Guy: Has the 2nd highest placement DPS. Turret DPS accounted

Midgame Chart

Units $8,000 & Lower


  1. Moondrop: Highest-ranked for excellent midgame performance, affordability, and meta stun, crucial for endgame.
  2. Bouncer: Quick placement and rapid cash generation for endgame setups, but less effective long-term than Overseer.
  3. Overseer: More consistent cash generation than Bouncer, with a valuable slow for endgame.
  4. Animdude: Excluded from the list due to low DPS and underperformance in midgame, only reaching full DPS with a 150K upgrade.

Endgame Chart 1-8

All Units Included

Updated - 1/21/25

  1. Frostbite Freddy: Best slower with top-tier DPS and versatility, excelling solo or as team support.
  2. Dark Knight Puppet: Fifth place for best AoE damage, but worse against bosses compared to units above.
  3. Astral Bonnie: Highest apex DPS with a 100% anti-regen passive, required in many scenarios.
  4. Old Man Consequences: Phenomenal boss killer, excelling in endless modes, even outperforming DKP.
  5. Gravelord Foxy: Best boss killer due to summons and 18k splash DPS, ranking above OMC and DKP.
  6. Titan Crusher Freddy: Fails to perform as well as a boss killer compared to higher-tier units, but still has strong AoE DPS, and you don’t have to worry about the passive not being cooldown-boostable.

Endgame Chart 9-16

All Units Included

Updated - 1/20/25

  1. Juggernaut Bonnie: Outperforms Butters with high DPS, excelling at boss's and surpassing Butters despite it's full AoE.
  2. Old Man Kramulus: While he performs well in all aspects, he doesn't excel in any, placing him lower. His 20k splash is useful for bosses, but since his passive isn’t cooldown-boostable, he performs worse as a boss killer than Titan Crusher Freddy.
  3. Blighted Foxy: This unit has a strong passive that increases enemy vulnerability to all damage sources (even more with a shiny), making it especially useful in duos where there are double the damage sources and you can afford to spare a slot.
  4. Black Ice Freddy: Great slow, mid DPS, but a poor Attack Type for pairing with his slow.

Stun/Slow/Booster Charts

Slow Chart

Updated - 12/25/24

  • Overseer ranks higher than BIF due to its 40% AoE slow, 65% splash slow, and more affordable cost.

  • Pickles ranks higher than OMK because it is cheaper.

  • Galleon is ranked lower than Icetrap because its splash attack affects fewer enemies compared to Icetrap's spread Pierce, which slows more enemies.

Stun Chart

Updated - 1/1/25

  • Even though Moondrop has a higher cooldown, it performs better in PvP than Clown when using the right enchantments. There are some scenarios where Clown would be better, but Moondrop took a clear lead in most PvP tests, which is why it’s ranked first.

  • Clowntrap’s splash is noticeably larger than the regular splash attack type, and when combined with an extra placement, it becomes more useful than Lolbit and results in significantly less leakage.

  • Circus Baby's splash size is similar to Clowntrap's, but it ranks lower than Lolbit due to its high placement cost, smaller range, and the need for full upgrades to achieve its 2s cooldown, whereas Lolbit can be used as a starter.
  • Note: Enemy stun immunity is .8 seconds long.

Booster Chart

Updated - 1/21/25

  • Eclipse ranks highest due to being both a CD and damage booster, increasing DPS up to 189%, making it a very valuable unit, especially in ranked.

  • DJ Music Man is ranked higher than Helpy because CD boosting is far more effective in generating more DPS than damage boosting.

  • Pickles is ranked 6th because it’s not a very viable pick in the current meta, despite its 50% AoE slow, due to strong endgame options like Frostbite and Kramulus, which have an equal or better slow.

  • Popstar is ranked 7th because it can be paired with DJ Music Man to create the highest dps percentage boost in the game.

Extra Charts

Meta Chart


Enchant Chart

Updated - 1/10/25

  • Unit's such as DKP, OMC, and Gravelord, perform their best with the Springlock enchant as their passives aren't affected by the added cd of the enchant but they keep the + 250% damage. Astral, despite not having a damage passive, has been tested to perform better with Springlock, because of the higher burst damage compared to Vengeance.