How To Get RIch

Want to have tons of souls and good units fast? Everything below will help you succeed that goal!

Top 3 Best Methods

1. Macro| 2. AFK Area | 3. Boss Raid
All steps below.

Note: The best option for mobile players is to do Boss Raid, as you need to be on computer to have multiple accounts or macro. (Unless you have an Android)

Macro - Most Efficient

Windows: TinyTask
Click here for a complete guide to TinyTask.

Mac: Search for "Automator" on Launchpad. Click on "New Document" and then "Workflow." After that, search for and add "Pause" and "Loop." Edit Loop to say "Loop automatically" and "Use original input," and enter how many times you want to loop. Edit Pause and enter 3 seconds. After that, get into a match, click record, and repeat the same steps mentioned in the Windows section.

To ensure Automator works properly, make sure you click where you want your unit to be placed, then place the unit.

AFK Area - Most Passive

If you have multiple accounts, place them all in the AFK area using Bloxstrap and AFK while you are sleeping or away. When you’re done, trade all your presents for 25 souls in the market, and it’s a guarantee that you’ll be making BANK on souls during 2x luck. Or... you could risk it all for a coffee you’re most likely never going to get. 🤑

A guide to using Bloxstrap for multiple accounts will be available soon, but for now, look up a YouTube video.

Boss Raid - Best Investment 

If you grind Boss Raid, then you could be making a lot of souls/loot as well. Keep grinding, buy the new exclusive units, and sell them on the marketplace, and someone will be bound to buy it for a lot of souls. You can also earn stat chips and sell those in the marketplace for 99 souls.